Fc Use Case Spotlight.

Discover Fc's Rapid Review impact on an Early Stage Generative AI Software Company.

Our recent Rapid Review for an Fc company successfully engaged 254 enterprise IT decision makers , leading to 94% solution endorsement, product previews, and mentor appointments.

Empowering Innovators:
Fc Centripetal's Impact on a Cloud-Based AI Platform Pioneer

One of the first to join our Fc Centripetal program was a cutting-edge cloud-based AI platform company. They are now emerging from our transformative process, not just stronger, but with exceptional refinement. This use case unveils the unique power of the Fc model, turning what usually takes years into a groundbreaking achievement in under 18 months.

By leveraging our Rapid Review process, an early stage enterprise tech company can anonymously present their challenges and solutions to our community of CIOs and CTOs. This approach has led to real-time validation-at-scale and increased demand for the enterprise AI company.

Rapid Review
Enterprise Al Platform
Total responses
Interested Enterprise Clients
Interested Advisors
Is this a real problem that needs to be solved?
Autonomous security

Initial implementation(s) after a successful evaluation: 78.3%

Initial implementation(s) after a successful evaluation: 78.3%Is this a real problem that needs to be solved?
How interested are you in a product preview when the beta or prototype is ready?
Autonomous security

Initial implementation(s) after a successful evaluation: 78.3%

Initial implementation(s) after a successful evaluation: 78.3%How interested are you in a product preview when the beta or prototype is ready?
Do you agree with this approach?
Autonomous security

Initial implementation(s) after a successful evaluation: 78.3%

Do you agree with this approach?Do you agree with this approach?
How interested are you in advising this company for equity compensation?
Autonomous security

121  enterprise IT professionals interested in mentoring

How interested are you in advising this company for equity compensation?How interested are you in a product preview when the beta or prototype is ready?

*As new Cloud security threats emerge, traditional security tools struggle to detect them quickly and accurately, often overwhelmed by false positives and insufficient analysis. Our solution is an unmatched leader in autonomous cyber security, efficiently handling detection, prevention, mitigation, and response with advanced analysis. It excels in deep causal analysis and probabilistic reasoning, working seamlessly with major platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. We offer instant benefits and make data analysis more effective for security analysts.

The Rapid Review Results:

254 high-level enterprise IT decision makers assessed the company.

91% of CIOs confirmed the company's identified problem as a critical enterprise issue requiring a solution.

94% of those CIOs approved of the company's approach to solving the problem.

160 of the CIOs, CTOs, and CSOs expressed interest in a product preview when the product was ready.

121 of which expressed willingness to mentor the company in exchange for equity compensation.

How will you receive your product preview?
When can you meet for your product preview?
the Rapid Review:

Fc identified a Tier 1 Enterprise CIO as the ideal mentor for the company, recognizing his digital transformation expertise and influence among CIOs/CTOs.

The CEO promptly arranged meetings with other CIOs beyond the 3K-member community and introduced the company to their first VARSITY relationship.

Based on company's bandwidth and ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) preferences, Fc connected the founder to 29 of the most appropriate parties from the 107 showing interest in a product preview.

62% of the 29 parties replied within 48 hrs: 9 requested a virtual 1x1, 13 requested a live virtual group demo, and 6 requested a pre-recorded demo.

The Enterprise Al Platform company has since converted several of these parties into some of its earliest G2000 customers.

Following the Rapid Review